
How to Craft the Perfect Text Message to Millennials

If you’re trying to communicate with a Millennial, don’t even think about calling or using a period in your text. Of course, those aren’t the only off-limits tactics.

This generation has its own communication rules and norms—particularly when it comes to texting—that businesses and organizations should consider when reaching out to younger consumers.

Consider the following strategies for reaching Millennials and Gen Z with text messages:

  • Exclamation points yes, periods no. For whatever reason, Millennials find periods in text messages objectionable. So what’s a marketer to do? Consider the power of a well-placed exclamation point or use shorter phrases that don’t require end punctuation at all, such as closing with a coupon code. Question marks can also create a sense of curiosity and interest. While punctuation might seem like a small thing, it can be a big deal in your outreach to this generation.

  • Numbers matter. No one wants to read an endless text—simply put, you will lose your audience if you can’t keep your point and your message short and sweet. When texting Millennials and Gen Z, the sweet spot is typically one to five sentences. Finally, it is important to share messages that are both clear and sincere.

  • So do names. Be personal in your texts—use the recipient’s name and include details and information that they genuinely care about. Avoid generic messages in favor of specific and authentic ones.

  • Use emojis for impact. Millennials still love emojis and they can help you tighten up messages, convey an emotion, and create a specific mood. Make sure you use emojis meaningfully and for impact rather than haphazardly and excessively in texts and other communications.

Finally, when texting Millennials, messages should be positive, interesting and include a clear call to action. Spam is never OK.