
Improve Your People Skills in 8 Simple Steps

2020.08.02.     Image - People Skills.jpeg

Technology is important to every business today, but people skills still make the difference between a great business and an average one. While some people are a natural when it comes to communicating and connecting with others, others struggle with this component of business management.

If you are looking to bolster your personal or business connection to customers, consider the following 8 steps for success:

  1. Ask questions (and listen carefully to the answers). Make an effort to learn more about your customers. Ask about their interests and concerns. Show your interest in them. If you are introverted, this is a great way of getting other people to talk about their passions and needs – you will learn what they love, what they struggle with and what they want more of, which can inform your offerings.

  2.  Show your appreciation. The words “thank you” can go a long way in the world today. Show your customers and visitors how much you appreciate their time and interest. Send thank you cards with each order you ship. Offer sincere compliments. People like to hang out with others who make them feel noticed and appreciated.

  3.  Maintain impeccable business ethics. This should be a given, and it is critical to long-term business success. Simply put, good business ethics means that your business and everyone involved with it should act with integrity. Treat your customers and suppliers the way you want to be treated.

  4.  Clarify your values and incorporate them into your business planning. You may already know that creativity and honesty, for example, are the most important values to you and your business. This information can help you with everything from training to marketing to customer service. Clarify your personal and business values and ensure that they inform everything you do.

  5.  Take a class. There are a wealth of online classes or podcasts on everything from communication to persuasion and strategy. If there is an area that you struggle with, find a well-reviewed course and dive deeper into that topic. A growth mindset is key to business growth as well.

  6. Treat everyone with respect. Again, this should not be a surprise for any business owner or employee, but there are still too many examples of poor customer service out there. Treat each person you meet with consideration and respect – not only is it the right thing to do, but it will also help you build your reputation as an outstanding business that takes care of its customers.

  7. Stay positive. Some days are hard, some years are hard. Sometimes your power goes out and you lose profits and products. Sometimes your system goes down and no one can get through. Every business faces adversity, but how you respond to it makes all the difference.

  8.  Make connections. If you haven’t already joined a local or industry business association, do so now. These connections can help you with problems you didn’t even know you had and they can help you focus on future growth as well. Some businesses fail to do this, thinking that other businesses are simply competitors. We’re all in this together and sometimes these same businesses can turn out to be your greatest allies.

All of these people skills can help your business shine, cementing your reputation as a true treasure and a place that appreciates every person who walks through the door.