For Employees

When to Keep Your Thoughts and Opinions to Yourself at Work

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In our last article, we talked about when to speak up for whatever is on your mind at work. Sometimes, however, it may just be best to keep it to yourself. Granted, it's not always the easiest thing to keep your mouth shut when something is eating you. Depending on the situation, though, you may want to let it slide. Here are a few examples of when you should just let it go:

  • It's only a small disagreement. When it comes to agreeing with someone or everyone, it isn’t always going to happen. Having a small disagreement is something that does happen and can be let go.

  • You know you’re particular moody. If something happened and it just made you angry or upset then you might want to wait a bit before saying anything. Whatever it was needs some rational thought and you may not be giving it that.

  • Someone hurt your feelings a bit. Sometimes we can be a bit sensitive at times and when this happens, don’t go running and tattle on them. You wouldn’t want them to do the same if the situation was switched due to a small joke.

It is always good to know when to speak up and when to let it slide. Whatever situation you're faced with, exercise good judgement and try to keep a level head. Think objectively, not subjectively, and you will usually be able to get it all sorted out with very little trouble at all.

When to Speak Up at Work

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The workplace is undoubtedly one of the most diverse areas you’re going to encounter. With so many opinions and views, not everyone is going to be on the same page the entire time. That's actually a good thing, but when something happens or when things go too far, when should you speak up and when should you just let it slide?

When it comes to your job being in jeopardy because you do not speak up, then you may want to consider speaking up and doing so quickly.

  • Any form of harassment in the workplace - This is unacceptable on all levels and someone should know about it. This is not something to keep to yourself, no matter how silly it may sound. The same goes if you’re just someone that witnessed the harassment and didn’t experience it firsthand.

  • If you don’t understand something - Hey, it’s okay to ask questions every now and again! You need to be able to understand what you should be doing and asking is the only way to know!

  • When brainstorming - If you’re in a meeting and there are a lot of ideas being thrown around or if there are none, but you have one, let them know!

  • If you witness something illegal or wrong - When this happens, you definitely do not want to keep it to yourself. Not only is this something good for the workplace, but also for your conscious.

  • If someone takes credit for your work - Don’t let them take credit for something that you did. Make sure to speak up and let them know that you were the one that did it.

Don't miss our next installment when we discuss the opposite side of this coin: when to let it go.

Tips for Negotiating Your Salary

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You’ve sent in your resume, gone through the interview process and landed the job – congratulations! Now, it’s time to start thinking about salary negotiations with your prospective employer. In other words, you need to find out how much the job is worth and how much your skills, experience and expertise are worth to your employer.

Entering into negotiations may seem like a scary process, but with a little preparation, you’ll be able to go in confident. Here are a few tips that we suggest to get the ball rolling:

  1. Wait for the appropriate time. Before you even start the conversation, do your research on salaries for your particular position in your particular field. Then, to go about getting what you’re worth, you have to be patient. When interviewing, it’s best not to even mention compensation until the employer brings it up.

  2. Let them throw out the first numbers. Resist the urge to throw out the first numbers. Instead, when you’re asked what your salary requirements are, say that they’re open and that it will be based on the position and the overall compensation package. You can also simply say that you’d like to hear more about the position’s specific responsibilities before discussing.    

  3. Look at the data. If you must give a number, make sure that your salary request is based on data from your research. Again, knowing the research and industry data will help inform your negotiating technique.

  4. Take your time. Once a potential employer puts a number on the table, you don’t have to respond right way. It shouldn’t be a rushed decision. Simply say that you need to think it over. This response alone can get you an increase in offer.

You can also apply these tips toward negotiating your benefits package. The bottom line is that you have to go in knowing your worth and be confident in your abilities.

5 Good Reasons to Quit Your Job

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We all experience tough days on the job. There are ups, and there are downs. There are days when our job duties are frustrating, stressful, and even boring. Then, there are days when everything is just unbearable, and we start to consider quitting altogether. It’s a tough judgment call.

So, how do you know when it’s really time to move on? If you find yourself asking this very question, it’s time to evaluate your work situation and consider the following. Believe it or not, there are actually good reasons to leave a miserable job. Here are a few:

Have you lost interest in your work? It may be from lack of growth or just sheer boredom. Whatever the case, you’ve lost all energy, work ethic, creativity and innovation, and now you’re just going through the motions. If you’ve completely mentally checked out, it may be time to move on.  

Have you lost the ability to grow? Whether you’ve experienced movement in your position or not, if you’re not continually challenged, you can’t learn or expand your skills.    

Have you expended all advancement opportunities? Most people go into a job with the goal of advancing to the next level. They want to grow and gain more responsibility, seek out new challenges and position themselves for more income. But, if advancement is not an option, it’s time to re-evaluate your career path.

Have you lost job security? While nothing is ever a sure thing, if your company is operating on uncertainty, then it may be time to update your resume. Perhaps the company is being sold, or they are continually downsizing. No matter the case, if uncertainty is affecting the work culture, you’re going to be carrying an unnecessarily enormous amount of stress.

Is your job affecting your health? If your job is causing you stress to the point that it is affecting your well-being, it’s time to leave! Stress hugely impacts our health, so ask yourself – is it really worth my life?

No matter what you’re facing, you do have options. Sure, many will tell you to just stick it out, it will get better. However, it is up to you to really evaluate your situation and ask yourself, “Is this the path I want to take?”

Tips for Handling Workplace Harrassment

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Harassment of any kind can be difficult to handle, but it can be even trickier when it’s happening on the job. Unfortunately, workplace harassment happens all too often, so you must be equipped with ways in which to handle it in an appropriate and professional manner.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of tips and tactics to help you handle these tough situations, should you ever find yourself in need.

  • Document Incidents. Whenever you are faced with harassment or bullying, always write the incident down. Keep details of exactly what occurred, when, where, with whom, what was said, etc.

  • List Witnesses. If anyone else - a co-worker, a manager, even a janitor - witnesses the incident, write their names down as well. You never know just how far things may go, and you may want to be able to have more than one account on your side should it come to a ‘he said she said’.

  • Stay Level-Headed. In situations of harassment or bullying, it can be tempting to rise to the perpetrator’s level and react, but keep your calm as much as possible. Often, they’re looking to get a rise out of you, but it only adds fuel to the fire.

  • Say Something to the Offender. Don’t be afraid to speak up, and tell the person that their behavior is absolutely unacceptable.

  • Ask for Help. If it comes to it, seek help from your supervisor.

  • Seek Out Company Resources. Find out if your company can provide a mediator or harassment advisor. Many have employee assistance programs that can offer help in resolving situations as well as provide means for coping with harassment after the fact.

Harassment and bullying in the workplace is a very serious situation that should not go unresolved. Should you find yourself in a harmful or stressful position, use these tips to better navigate an amicable resolution.