For Employers

Success Tips for First-Time Managers

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As a new manager, you definitely have your work cut out for you. Not only do you have to learn the duties and responsibilities of your job, but you also have to earn the trust of the team that you will be managing. It's no small task - we get it - but you also don't want to overcomplicate the situation for yourself.

Here are some simple but very useful snippets that will help you get through the learning curve as you take on this exciting new chapter in your career!

  • Practice what you preach. This is a matter of both personal and professional integrity. Don't be a "do as I say, not as I do" type of manager. You'll never be effective in your role with that mindset.

  • Employee retention should be a priority. You don't want to spend the rest of your career repeating the same phrase over and over, but that's what you'll be doing if you have to train a new team member every week. You, your team, and your business will perform better if you find and keep the right staff.

  • The only way to learn something new is by actually attempting to do it. Obviously, you should read the manual or listen to a mentor, but nothing replaces hands-on learning.

  • Always think two steps ahead. If someone calls out from a shift, you don't want to spend hours scrambling to fill that spot. Always have a backup for your processes, a plan B, and someone you can call on a moment's notice.

  • Consistency is everything. Be consistent in your behavior, your policies, your methods, and your treatment of your team members. This will earn their trust faster than anything else.

Taking on a manager's role for the first time can be a little overwhelming, but remember that everyone has to start somewhere. Stick with it, and before you know it, you will be a seasoned human resources pro.

Best Practices for Onboarding Seasonal Staff

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Businesses in all industries and of all sizes depend on seasonal workers to maximize revenues and meet customer expectations, especially during the holiday season.

Although seasonal hires are only temporary, it is still important to implement a formal onboarding process in order to ensure that all compliance obligations are met, standards are achieved and new hires are oriented.

Unfortunately, when you ignore the onboarding process, you increase your odds of running into performance issues as well as excessive turnover or worse. So, avoid common pitfalls, and take note of these best practices for onboarding seasonal hires:   

  • Have a set orientation process – Seasonal workers have to transition into their positions very quickly. But, this doesn’t mean that you can overlook an orientation process. All workers, temporary or not, must be briefed on health and safety expectations, compliance obligations, reporting requirements and more in order to fully succeed on the job.

  • Engage new hires with first impressions – Because of the fast-paced nature of seasonal hiring, it’s easy to skip over certain “optional” elements of the onboarding process. This includes things like making proper introductions and giving company tours. But, this is still necessary to engage seasonal hires from the start.

  • Provide the necessary tools – Just like full-time employees, seasonal hires need to be given all of the proper and necessary tools in order to do their jobs. This includes any safety equipment, technology devices, login credentials, etc.

  • Pair seasonal hires with mentors - To optimize onboarding and to minimize risks and costs, assign all temporary hires a mentor. They can help new hires get the lay of the land faster, walk them through processes and answer any questions that they may have.

By following these onboarding best practices, your seasonal workers will be able to make a smooth transition, quickly, and you will have peace of mind in knowing that they are prepared to get the job done right.

Tips for Hiring Seasonal Workers During the Holidays

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With the closing of the year and the holiday season in full swing, we’re entering the busiest time of the year. And for many businesses, this means that it’s time to hire seasonal workers to help alleviate the intense workload.

After all, you want your business to thrive during the busy season and not just survive. So, the key here is hiring the right temporary workers.

Let’s take a look at a few tips that can help you hire the right staff:

  • Have a plan for your hiring process – Due to the quick onset and turnaround of the holiday season, planning is everything. You don’t want to hire too soon because then you might not have enough work for temporary staff. But, you also don’t want to hire too late because then you run the risk of hiring from a more limited pool of experienced candidates, as many seeking seasonal work may have already taken positions.

  • Seek employee referrals – Employee referrals are incredibly valuable and an easy way to tap into a network of experienced professionals. Referrals also save you time. If an employee already has a lead and knows of a potential candidate that would be a great seasonal hire, you don’t have to do the extra legwork to source staff on your own.

  • Extend the offer to former seasonal staff – The holiday season passes in the blink of an eye, so it can be difficult to bring on an entirely new staff and train them in time. That’s why you should consider reaching out to former seasonal staff workers. They already know your processes and are familiar with your company which will save you precious time.

Going into the holiday season, you must have a clear plan and understanding of what kind of seasonal staff you’re looking to hire for a smooth, stress-free holiday season. Use these tips to guide your hiring process.

Signs Your Employee Deserves a Promotion

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Most working professionals have goals of upward movement and seek out positions that have opportunity for career progression and scope for promotions. That’s why it’s important for employers, especially those promoting from within, to recognize this climb and to know when it’s time to put things in motion.

When an employee is working hard and making valuable contributions to an organization, it’s only fair to recognize and appropriately reward them with those opportunities that they deserve. And, really, it won’t be difficult to know who these employees are and when the time is right. These are the signs that we look for:

  • They show consistently high performance – If an employee has proven high performance in their role as a whole over time, this demonstrates that they’re committed and are putting their full efforts into their work.

  • They’re willing to go above and beyond – Employees who take the initiative to go the extra mile are those who are making sure that their work is done to the best standards and deadlines. These are people that you can always count on to get things done right.

  • They bring new ideas to the table – The most valuable employees are those who are not only interested in their work, but also the success of their team and business as a whole. They always offer fresh ideas to help promote company growth.

  • They always strive for self-improvement – A truly great, dedicated employee is someone who’s always eager to continue to learn and expand their skillset. They’re those who are willing to step outside of their comfort zone in order to improve upon their own areas of weakness.

  • They have the respect of others – Respect, perhaps above all else, is what keeps a team working in a productive, harmonious fashion. And someone who has that respect, is looked up to and can bring a team together is a true leader.  

These are all key signs that an employee is both ready and deserves a promotion.  


What You Should Never Include in a Help Wanted Ad

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Job advertisements are key in catching the eye of your perfect candidates. While there are many factors that play into attracting applicants, the most important part is how you word your help wanted ad. There are certainly many elements that you should include, but there are also a few that you shouldn’t. Let’s take a look:

Vague Job Descriptions

A vague job title and description won’t get you very far. Use words that job seekers are specifically searching for. For example, if you’re advertising a sales position, don’t call it a “Marketing Coordinator” position. It’s misleading and confusing. Make titles and descriptions accurate and keyword friendly.  

Also, don’t eliminate or hide any information, like expected compensation. Anyone searching for a job is specifically looking for this element. Even if you only provide a range based on qualifications and experience, you must give potential candidates some idea of what they can expect in return.  

“Preferred” Requirements

When you start listing excessive “preferred” requirements, it’s a turn-off. For example, if you say that you would prefer someone with a Master’s degree, it’s misleading and confusing. What your potential candidate is reading is that you would settle for less if no other applicant comes through. Job seekers want to know exactly what you’re looking for, not what you prefer. You’re closing the net on yourselves by doing this, because your “preferred” requirements may turn away perfectly qualified, experienced candidates who might only hold a bachelor’s degree. Don’t lose qualified applicants because of your uncertain expectations.

Excessive Details

Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to list every single skill or responsibility in the job advertisement. Job seekers aren’t searching for details; they’re searching for jobs that they are qualified for. Keep descriptions short(er) and concise. Serious applicants will go to your career site to find all of the necessary information.  

Remember, help wanted ads should attract qualified job seekers, so don’t overthink it; just be straight-forward and assess your own expectations.

Tips for Dealing with a Problem Employee

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It happens all the time – you have a problem employee. They are distracting and bringing down productivity. What do you do?

It’s not a favorable task, but managers must know how to deal with problem employees. Unfortunately, it comes with the job. You’ll have to deal with it head-on and sooner rather than later. Fortunately, we’ve put together a few tips to help you better address any issues. Here’s what you should do:

  • Don’t ignore the problem – Allowing anyone to demoralize your work environment is bad for everyone. Negative attitudes and actions are distracting. So, speak to the employee about the issues as soon as they begin to surface, and before things get out of control.

  • Don’t make the conversation personal – As difficult as it may be, don’t use “you” language; use “I.” Avoid statements like, “You have become a problem.” Instead, say something like, “I’ve noticed that you aren’t enjoying your role here, and you’ve been seen making comments under your breath when others speak.” Be accurate and concise in addressing the offensive behaviors and their impact on your team.

  • Don’t make assumptions -  Privately pull the person aside to begin a dialogue, and find out if they’re aware of their negative behavior. You should also find out if there are any external, personal factors at play that may be influencing their actions. Perhaps something is happening in their personal life, and they’re unaware that the emotional hardships are spilling into their work.

  • Keep it professional – Don’t let your emotions seep into confrontation. Remember, you have a business relationship with this person, not a personal relationship, and this employee was hired to do a job. Offer suggestions for improvement, and remind the employee that while everyone isn’t expected to get along, everyone must be respectful and courteous in effort to promote a productive and positive work environment.

Addressing a problem employee is all about the follow through. Don’t wait until you’ve lost control to have an open and honest conversation.


Tips for Handling Workplace Harrassment

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Harassment of any kind can be difficult to handle, but it can be even trickier when it’s happening on the job. Unfortunately, workplace harassment happens all too often, so you must be equipped with ways in which to handle it in an appropriate and professional manner.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of tips and tactics to help you handle these tough situations, should you ever find yourself in need.

  • Document Incidents. Whenever you are faced with harassment or bullying, always write the incident down. Keep details of exactly what occurred, when, where, with whom, what was said, etc.

  • List Witnesses. If anyone else - a co-worker, a manager, even a janitor - witnesses the incident, write their names down as well. You never know just how far things may go, and you may want to be able to have more than one account on your side should it come to a ‘he said she said’.

  • Stay Level-Headed. In situations of harassment or bullying, it can be tempting to rise to the perpetrator’s level and react, but keep your calm as much as possible. Often, they’re looking to get a rise out of you, but it only adds fuel to the fire.

  • Say Something to the Offender. Don’t be afraid to speak up, and tell the person that their behavior is absolutely unacceptable.

  • Ask for Help. If it comes to it, seek help from your supervisor.

  • Seek Out Company Resources. Find out if your company can provide a mediator or harassment advisor. Many have employee assistance programs that can offer help in resolving situations as well as provide means for coping with harassment after the fact.

Harassment and bullying in the workplace is a very serious situation that should not go unresolved. Should you find yourself in a harmful or stressful position, use these tips to better navigate an amicable resolution.

5 Things That Make People Want to Work for You

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When it comes to recruiting, the process really is a two-way street. The best recruiters go about the process specifically with candidates, and their futures, in mind. They can answer the question – “Why would someone want to work here?”

Hiring managers already face intense competition when it comes to nabbing top talent, so make it easier on everyone, and give them a reason to choose you. Take your cue from these five elements that make prospective candidates want to work for you:  

Lay Out a Career Plan

Provide a clear career trajectory. These days, most employees don’t expect to stay in the same position long-term; they expect motion. So, lay it out for them, and tell them what they can expect both now and in their future.

Paint the Picture

Walk candidates through a typical day on the job. Explain how a particular position and company differs from another. What sets them apart? How is their work culture different? After all, you can be a copywriter anywhere. So why work for this company? Provide details that clearly paint the picture so that candidates can imagine themselves in the position.

Detail the Expected Workload

All candidates want to know exactly what they can expect once on the job. Provide details about their day-to-day workload to help them understand what will be required of them.

Provide Real-Life Testimonies

Sometimes, a job description simply won’t cut it, so find a way to connect prospective candidates with employees who are in similar positions. Employee perspective can provide real-time insight into a company, a position and a work culture.

Be Engaging

If you’re not interested in discussing the job, prospective candidates won’t be either. Your attitude matters just as much as the candidate’s. They are looking to you to form their own opinions and expectations of a given company, so keep the conversation engaging.

Recruiters who ultimately win over top talent understand that prospective candidates are also evaluating them, so move toward a candidate-friendly process that will both strengthen relationships and improve experiences.