great return

From the Great Resignation to the Great Return

For the past two years, we’ve been hearing about the Great Resignation, where thousands of employees across industries resigned their jobs to pursue new passions and changed the shape of the U.S. workforce. Now it’s time to discover more about the Great Return, where workers return to the office or to more traditional roles in the staffing economy.

The Great Return hinges on flexible work conditions, an inclusive environment and the conditions for continued work-life balance.

  1. Flexible work conditions: While some people have longed for a return to the office, many workers still enjoy the flexibility of working from home, even part time. Likewise, many are still contending with childcare issues and juggling multiple priorities, so successful companies need to acknowledge the ongoing need for flexibility in scheduling.

  2. Inclusive environment: Accessibility needs to go further than before, recognizing those who are immunocompromised, for instance, as well as those who require accommodations for vision and hearing issues, mobility challenges, different seating arrangements and more. For the Great Return to be a great success, inclusive work environments are a must.

  3. Work-life balance: For many years, many workers felt like their life was work—it dominated their time with long commutes, longer hours and sky-high expectations. Companies will need to allow for earlier and later start times to ensure easier commutes, offer personal days and make work-life balance a higher priority than ever before.

The Great Return is off to a great start; however, companies interested in cultivating a satisfied and productive workforce will need to keep flexibility, inclusivity and balance in mind when structuring their return-to-work arrangements.