new job

The Great Resignation Transitions into a Great Job Market for Employees

In contrast to the Great Recession a dozen years ago, today’s “Great Resignation” is witnessing more and more employees leaving their current jobs in search of something new and different. More than half of workers intend to seek a new job this year, according to the Society for Human Resources Management. While this has sent many companies and HR teams scrambling, workers today have an abundance of options when it comes to finding their next position or career.

Experts predict an incredible hiring boom in 2021 as the Great Resignation has coincided with the Great Reopening of the U.S. economy. More companies are bringing back furloughed employees or those who have been working from home and updating their hiring plans for the months to come. Industries that were hit hard by the pandemic are rebounding.

What does this mean for workers across the country? Opportunity.

Job seekers will have more options—and more incentives—than they’ve seen in a long time. To entice new talent, companies are upping salaries and benefits, offering more flexible work schedules and creating appealing office spaces.

In addition, more businesses across the country are updating their hiring and retaining procedures with the goal of creating more satisfied long-term employees. Job seekers are emboldened to ask for more flexible scheduling, support with childcare or eldercare, and mental health support.

Companies that recognize the need for employee-forward programs and hiring practices are likely to come out ahead as the Great Resignation begins to shift into the Great Hiring.

Preparing for a New Job

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If you are ready for the next step on your career ladder, it helps to prepare for a job change before you even send out your first application. The more you prepare now, the easier it will be when you start interviewing.

The following 7 top tips can help you get ready, set and go for your next new job:

  1. Create your own dream job description. What do you really want to do next? What is your dream job? Take a few minutes to create your ideal job description so that you can start to seek out similar roles as you prepare for a job switch.

  2. Start networking. Networking is a great way to learn about openings and find new jobs – a human connection can be much more reliable and personal than online employment ads. Reach out to friends, family and contacts and let them know if you’re in the market for a new job and what fields or positions you are considering. You might also consider connecting with a recruiter who can direct you to open positions.

  3. Stay up to date. You can sign up for newsletters or read publications in your field. Pay attention to current events and trends that relate to the next job you’re seeking. All of this will prepare you for a job change and impress your next potential employer.

  4. Update your knowledge. Are there any gaps in your education or training that you need to fill before you will be qualified for a job change? Perhaps you need to finish up an online certification course or refresh your second language. Address these issues now so you can shine when the time comes for a job switch.

  5. Then, update your documents. Make sure your resume and online profiles are in top form and that they highlight the skills you have that will apply to the jobs you want. You may need to add in more recent training, certifications and skills. It is also important to have a solid cover letter template so it’s easier to pull everything together when the time comes.

  6. Take opportunities where you can find them. Is there something you can do in your current job that will help you prepare for the next one? Or maybe you can find a local volunteer opportunity that will give you more experience in a certain area. Don’t be afraid to raise your hand high and take on additional responsibilities now.

  7. Spend some time every day moving forward. Looking for a new job can be a full-time job in itself. Make sure you dedicate a little time every day tackling the things you need to get ready and then applying for new jobs.

Before Your Employee’s First Day: A Pre-Boarding Checklist

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Starting a new job can be both exciting and anxiety-inducing. It’s a huge adjustment for everyone. But, with the proper pre-boarding process in motion, HR can help make an employee’s transition much smoother. After all, it’s all about creating a great employee experience at all stages. That’s how you create a positive work environment and employee retention. So, here are some steps that every pre-boarding check list should include:   

  • Acknowledgement – While you may be used to the hiring process, the fact is that getting a job offer doesn’t happen every day for your new employee. So, acknowledge their accomplishment, and congratulate them on their acceptance. You want your new hire to feel welcome and appreciated.

  • Collect Information – Ask new hires to share the necessary personal information for your records as well as for what’s needed to set up payroll, taxes, etc. 

  • Employee Handbook & Benefits – Send new employees a copy of the employee handbook so they can learn about your policies, culture, resources and more before they arrive. This saves everyone time and ensures that they know what to expect from day one. You’ll also want to share your benefits guide so that they have time to look over all options and ask questions, early, for a smoother enrollment.

  • Contact – Before a new employee’s first day, send some kind of correspondence that details exactly what they can expect on their first day. This might include calendar invites for onboarding meetings, parking details, dress-code information, clocking in, etc.  

  • Email Set Up – Have your new employee’s company email already set up when they walk in. This way, they can be included on all office correspondence and invites and be ready to hit the ground running.

A strong pre-boarding program will set a positive tone with your company from the start and set employees up for a successful first day and path toward a long company career.